This world rejects me
This world threw me away
This world never gave me a chance
I'm the Loser of the losers
If anyone my age wants to be my girlfriend, message me.

Jakobie @Darkwhisperer666

Age 16, Male

I do chores

Crappy place

Giant hand with wolverine

Joined on 2/15/24

Exp Points:
1,130 / 1,350
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5.28 votes
Police Officer
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Darkwhisperer666's News

Posted by Darkwhisperer666 - September 25th, 2024

A few days at I made a YT video called: Everyone says I'm weird, I wonder why?

In it I mix lettuce, ketchup, and chips and ate it.

I want to make another video where I mix food together to make something disgusting and eat it. (I'm a weird kid)

Any ideas?



Posted by Darkwhisperer666 - September 25th, 2024



Got the chance this morning to take pictures. Anyone know why my dog is on her back like that a lot?


Posted by Darkwhisperer666 - September 24th, 2024

Title says it all. It could be serious, creative, or ridiculous.


Posted by Darkwhisperer666 - September 23rd, 2024

Me and my family went to the fair yesterday since it was the beginning of fair week. We had some fun there, well my mom may have went through some hell. For example when we went on these strawberry rides they would spin and for most of the ride I start singing You spin me right round. Next thing that happens is my siblings start to sing it. Then there was this ride that had 70s music playing so my grandma would start singing and dancing, so my mom just walked away. I taught my younger brother something that kinda pissed my mom off. Also my brother made me look like a pussy, because I would not get on all the big rides, but my 11 year old brother would and go through the whole thing.

Also take a guess what song I was playing in the car when we were leaving?


Posted by Darkwhisperer666 - September 21st, 2024

So I was in the backroom of my house looking for some food, when I find my old 8th grade science fair project where me and my partners put bones in vinegar to make it like rubber. I got a chicken bone while the two others got a squirrel bone and a raccoon jaw bone. Here's a picture:


After we were done they said I could keep the project. Now a few weeks ago my school had chicken for lunch and thankfully it had a bone, so I ate all the meat and took the bone home.


I'm not quite satisfied with the amount of bones I have, so do you guys know where I could get some more?


Posted by Darkwhisperer666 - September 20th, 2024

I have been suspended from school. Someone found something about me, told the principal and I get told to go to the office and talk. My grandfather came and picked me up from school. I don't remember everything the principal said but I believe he said that this incident was going in the hands of the police. As I write this, my mom is not home but she did call my grandfather and she said we were gonna have a long conversation.


Posted by Darkwhisperer666 - September 19th, 2024

So a few days ago at school I was at lunch and I have a bit of a weak stomach and I said something disgusting, so when lunch was over I thought about what I said and ran into the restroom, and vomited all over the restroom toilet and a bit of the walls, after washing up I just carried on. It wasn't until Botany when someone said "someone just projectile vomited all over the restroom." I didn't say it was me, I just said "I wonder who it could be, maybe a phantom puker." And today no one knows who it is besides me.



Posted by Darkwhisperer666 - September 17th, 2024

Some or none or maybe all of you at once stumbled across this YT video called Heyyeahyeah where he-man sings. It started out as the 80s version but then when Netflix did their own he-man, someone did a Heyyeahyeah video of that version and with the same music. Now for some reason no one ever did a Heyyeahyeah of the 2002 remake, did people forget that one exists? Well I'll be doing my own Heyyeahyeah using the 2002 He-man because it's never been done, consider it a challenge for me.

Also my next short film I talked days ago, it may take awhile. I am no where done with the script. (Mostly due to school)



Posted by Darkwhisperer666 - September 16th, 2024

When I was born, my mother was very young, my father had left and I didn't know he existed. Until I was 5 years old he came to me and we had good times until I became around 12-13 years old, he found faith in Jesus and I was getting into other things. So he made me sleep in the basement and made me his slave and I got the belt while my younger brother got the luxury of a real bedroom. When I was also with him, I wasn't allowed to defend my self so I constantly got my ass kicked by my little brother. When my mom took me away from him, forever I was good but things went downhill in middle school, I have been bullied by popular kids and Rejected by girls since 7th grade, during middle school I would also watch my mom and stepdad fight until they left each other. As I gotten older I found interests in certain activities. Can this life get any shittier?



Posted by Darkwhisperer666 - September 15th, 2024

I just came back home from my grandparent's home and when I go in my room I see that my trash bag is ripped open and there's toilet paper everywhere. My siblings where with their dad but I still asked "WHO THE FUCK WAS IN MY ROOM?!" My mom said it was the dog, and that she put her in my room for only a minute. My room is my room not the dog's room, and besides the dog has her cage, so why the hell put her in my room. I could rip out my hair and fucking shoot myself. If I had a shotgun I'd blow myself to hell.
