I enjoy guns and any type of weapon.
I like to make art.

Age 16, Male


Joined on 2/15/24

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Darkwhisperer666's News

Posted by Darkwhisperer666 - 2 days ago

So there I was one day in 8th grade one morning waiting for the day to end like any other school day, when my class gets a new student. Now I'm not gonna say his name but I will say is that we became best friends.

One day he asked me if I wanted to hear a story from his old school and I said "yes." He told me that at his old school there was this kid who would take a crap and literally wipe it all over the bathroom.

They called this kid "The Phantom Pooper" because they didn't know who he was until he got caught "Brown Handed." Now I don't know what happened to this kid after he got caught, don't know if he got expelled or online school but I can say is that I don't want him in my school. The bathrooms would be a bigger mess than they already are.



Posted by Darkwhisperer666 - 8 days ago

Here is the link to my YouTube channel.


Posted by Darkwhisperer666 - 9 days ago

So for my sequel to Bloodlust Man it's going to be stop motion instead of regular animation because stop motion is easier.

I am currently working on the script.

I can't promise that it would be made right away, could possibly take weeks, months but it will get done.


Posted by Darkwhisperer666 - 2 weeks ago

So a while ago I made this animation called Bloodlust Man and although it was terrible but had some positive reviews I decided make a sequel and I need ideas for the plot of the sequel.

Posted by Darkwhisperer666 - 2 weeks ago

What are some ways to improve animation so I can be good at cartoon making for NG movies?

Posted by Darkwhisperer666 - 2 weeks ago

So yesterday my mom got a chore chart for the whole family, on it there's the days of the week but for some reason it has the word "Menu" on it so I made a little joke and was all like "I'll have a large Monday with a side of Tuesday and some of that Thursday sauce."

Here is the picture of it:


Posted by Darkwhisperer666 - 2 weeks ago

Don't you just hate it when you're walking somewhere trying to get somewhere on time but some IDIOT has the audacity to walk Infront of you slow as shit. I mean when I was in school I would try to get to class on time but someone gets Infront of me and moves slower than turd coming from a sloth's anus. And it's not like I could go around them because there's too many darn people in the way. ICH HASSE ES

Share your opinion about slow walkers.

Posted by Darkwhisperer666 - 3 weeks ago

School is finished (Well for me anyway) I just completed 9th grade.

Since I'm not in school right now my art would just be drawings for now because all my digital art was made with a school Chromebook.

That's all and have a great summer.
